SH5_4 Visual and performing arts, film, design
place-making+ co-design +temporary uses, performative arts
Descrizione del progetto
ReCITYing aims to consolidate “Temporary Reuse” methods applied to urban vacant space and underused heritage through an innovative contribution to urban regeneration, by combining creative co-design strategies, addressing the call Objective 1. transnational creation and circulation of practical knowledge and professional skills in recycling architecture and unused space in 4 Partner Cities (Genoa, Barcelona, Hannover, Maribor) and other 4 Hosting Cities (Lublin, Umeå, Tallinn, Timișoara) facilitating trans-national distribution of content and international mobility of professionals, researchers, and artists.
The choice of partner cities has been made on two criteria: (1) the presence of buildings/spaces partially or totally abandoned for long periods before stakeholders manifest the interest in re-appropriation (2) the presence of a significant vacant stock/areas within or in the immediate proximity of the urban context. It follows a synthetic overview of vacancy-related evidence to draw the exploration of the 4 pilot cases.
Responding to the needs for emerging skills in innovative urban strategies the project defines clear priorities in the development of cultural and artistic-mediated regeneration of neglected part of the city as an occasion of job creation and new professionals opportunities according to new job figures, such as: the reuse agent (survey, localization, definition of reuse programme, sustainability); the reuse co-operator (event/service designer and planner for the short-midterm reuse of targeted areas); the municipal reuse technician (Temporary Reuse Municipal Desks facilitating a multi-actor dialogue in long term consolidation of practices).
The project will monitor and respond to educational and skills gaps in the sector by:
• editing of educational materials for target groups and audiences (i.e., brochures, papers, slides, videos, photo surveys, interviews, podcasts, books…)
• creation of a dedicated C&D strategy for developing these skills enabling the target groupsto respond flexibly to evolving local needs that are emerging in the consolidation of reusepractices (mid-long term processes of regeneration)
• development of a strong sustainable collaboration among stakeholders and project experts.
University of Genoa (Italy), Coordinator
Leibniz University Hannover LUH (Germany)
Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia IAAC (Spain)
Maribor UGM (Slovenia)
Association Champ Libre, Montpellier (France)
Creative Europe Programme